Monday, 31 October 2016

Muirburn Code Review - October Update

October Update

The timing of the review has been adapted in response to additional input and the following revised programme is now being proposed to the Scottish Government and the review Steering Group.

The development of the second draft of the revised Code is taking longer than originally intended.  In part this is due to people struggling to find time to provide their input to it and in part this is due to the review process being a victim of its own success and bringing to light different ideas.

It is important that the next draft, which will be reviewed in four workshops, is representative of the current views about muirburn.  The revised programme is allowing additional information to be incorporated into the review process.

It is intended to produce the second draft by the end of November and then to promote this widely as a draft version with a view to encouraging further comment.  The first deadline for feedback will be 12 noon, on Friday 27 January, so that any revisions can be included in a version that will be circulated to those attending the workshops in February and March. 

The workshops will be held in the north & west (Sleat peninsula - TBC), north and east (Edinglassie, Huntly), south and east (Lammermuirs, Carfrae Mill) and finally at Battleby.  Weather permitting, the first three workshops will be 'talk & walk' events.  The final workshop will be held at the Battleby Conference Centre, near Perth, and this will be an indoor event to pool the range of views and feedback to allow a final version of the Code to be developed.  Subject to any restrictions on numbers, attendance will be welcome by anyone with an interest in the development of the Code.

The second deadline for other input will be the date of the final workshop, which it is proposed to hold at Battleby on 14 / 15 March 2017.  It is expected that the workshops will produce more feedback and this will be incorporated into a final draft version, which will be submitted to the Scottish Government.

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